Correspondent Desk

 img2My Dear Students,

As we step into the new chapter of learning and growth, I want to remind each one of you that you potential is limitless. Every day is a fresh opportunity to learn, improve and make meaningful contributions to your journey and the world around you. Success is not measured solely by grades or achievements but by the effort you put on. The challenges you overcome and the character you build along the way. Remember to set high goals. Stay curious and never hesitate to ask question and seek support when needed.

We have a dedicated group of teachers, supporting staff that work together to create a challenging and safe environment. Every member of the school makes it possible for us to provide an exceptional educational experience for the mind, body and spirit.

Our school is not just a place of academic learning but a community where values, friendship and lifelong memories are created. Treat one another with kindness, respect and understanding and contribute positively to the vibrant spirit of our institution.

Together let us make this year a fulfilling and inspiring one. Always believe in yourself and know that your teachers and I are here to guide and support you ever step of the way. Wishing you all the best for the journey ahead.

Warm Regards

Mrs. Krishna Veni

St. Mary’s High School